Last updated: 2 January 2025

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Quantitative Finance

Prices a portfolio of LIBOR swaptions on a LIBOR Market Model using a Monte-Carlo simulation and computes Greeks.

Prices a portfolio of American call options using a Binomial lattice (Cox, Ross and Rubenstein method).

Prices a portfolio of European options using the Black-Scholes-Merton formula.

Prices a portfolio of up-and-in barrier options using a Monte-Carlo simulation.

Deep Learning

Trains a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) using Tensorflow

Inference with a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) using Tensorflow

Trains a Long Short Term Memory model (LSTM) using Tensorflow

Inference with a Long Short Term Memory model (LSTM) using Tensorflow

(All deep learning applications have been implemented using Nvidia’s TensorFlow NGC Docker container.)

Benchmark Description

This application prices a portfolio of LIBOR swaptions on a LIBOR Market Model using a Monte-Carlo simulation. It also computes Greeks.

In each Monte-Carlo path, the LIBOR forward rates are generated randomly at all required maturities following the LIBOR Market Model, starting from the initial LIBOR rates. The swaption portfolio payoff is then computed and discounted to the pricing date. Averaging the per-path prices gives the final net present value of the portfolio.

The full algorithm is illustrated in the processing graph below:


More details can be found in Prof. Mike Giles’ notes [1].

This benchmark uses a portfolio of 15 swaptions with maturities between 4 and 40 years and 80 forward rates (and hence 80 delta Greeks). To study the performance, the number of Monte-Carlo paths is varied between 128K-2,048K.

[1] M. Giles, “Monte Carlo evaluation of sensitivities in computational finance,” HERCMA Conference, Athens, Sep. 2007.

  • Application Class: Pricer
  • Model: Libor Market Model
  • Instrument Type: Swaption Portfolio
  • Numerical Method: Monte-Carlo
  • Portfolio Size: 15 swaptions
  • Maturities: 4 to 40 years
  • Number of Forward Rates: 80
  • Number of Sensitivities: 80
  • Monte-Carlo Paths:128K–1,024K

Hardware Specification

ProcessorCoresLogical CoresFrequencyGFLOPs (double)Max. MemoryMax. Memory B/W
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2698 v3 CPU (Haswell)2 x 162 x 322.30 GHz2 x 663768 GB2 x 68 GB/s
Intel Xeon Phi 7120P (Knight's Corner)612441.238 GHz1,20816 GB352 GB/s

Speedup vs. Sequential*

(higher is better)

*the sequential version runs on a single core of an Intel Xeon E5-2698 v3 CPU

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